Senior Producer

Lamesa is a Senior Producer and Manager of Nickelodeon International's YouTube production team. She oversees YouTube production in thirteen regions and manages three editors. The content her team has produced has garnered billions of views and minutes in watch time. As a result YouTube ad revenue has consistenly gone up month to month.

In October 2023, SpongeBob Latin America generated 1.55B minutes watched ranking the #1 highest recorded watch time performance in its lifetime. “90 MINUTES of SpongeBob's NIGHT adventures 🌙” contributed largely to October’s performance. Lamesa strategized and edited this video.

With 62 million views, “50 Minutes of Best of Season 2 Part 1” is the fifth most watched video on the SpongeBob Latin America channel. Lamesa edited this video.

Her team has delivered international assets to the domestic Nickelodeon channels as well. This method of repurposing a video for use in multiple regions and accounts maximizes YouTube ad revenue. Best of Season 9 Part 1 has 16 million views on the domestic SpongeBob channel.




Super Bowl LVIII